Julia Preminger

Julia Preminger is a nature photographer inspired by the ever-changing richness and intricacy of nature, its softness and boldness, delicacy, abstraction, play of light, flow, grandeur, and intimacy, all held together in one grand wholeness. There is such vibrant intelligence in every plant, cloud, water droplet, and breath of wind. It boggles the mind and blows the heart wide open. One becomes humble in the presence of such greatness, hopIng that some flavor of the experience is caught by the camera to be shared with others.
Julia grew up in New York State and after trying a few other locations like North Carolina, Iowa, Thailand, and New Zealand, has settled in the beautiful Catskill Mountains of New York.
Julia took her first photos at age 9 with her little Kodak 120mm roll film camera. Her favorite subjects were her sister and their dog, Tiny. Her parents thought that she showed promise so at age 11, she received a Yashica 35mm rangefinder camera. A few years later, a dear friend gave her a used Canon Pelix which served well for 20 years. After that it was a Canon A1 which also served for many years until she decided to try digital cameras. Digital cameras have come and gone every few years. Currently she is using a Panasonic Lumix DMC FZ1000.
A landmark moment for Julia’s photography came in 2020 when her photo Golden Meadow won an award in a photo challenge.